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From a hot new single to your most successful album, independent music promotion is an art that takes time and patience. Being an independent artist and doing it all on your own is a challenge, but there are some perks to independent music marketing. You have complete control over your image and how you distribute your songs, and you don’t have to worry about paying a portion of your earnings to a record label. But it can be tough. It’s a constant grind that eats up a lot of your time. While being independent has both perks and drawbacks, there are some things you can do to make things a little easier on yourself.

Develop a Website and Email List

If you want to grow your network and get your art out there, it’s important to have a strong website. A website allows you to create a branded and stylized platform dedicated solely to your music. You can include a short bio, have a gig calendar, and provide access to your music.

Using your website to generate an email list is a great way to stay in touch with your fans and do some independent music promotion. You can send out daily, weekly, or monthly emails to keep fans updated with your latest music and events.

Stay Involved on Social Media

Social media can be a divisive subject for independent music marketing, but it’s a must these days. Staying involved on Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, and Facebook will help increase engagement and get your profile viewed by people not directly in your network. Plus, social media is a great tool in independent music promotion because it allows you to get glimpses into your primary demographic and cater posts to engage with the fans who support you most.

Get on Playlists

Spotify, Apple Music, and more all create playlists, and you should be on them. Getting playlisted can be a bit tricky, but it can be done. Just be sure to have an Artist’s account with your platform, submit your music, and see what happens. Because streaming services like Spotify get thousands of submissions a day, it may take some time.

Getting your music on playlists is a great tool for independent music promotion because it gives you exposure, and you also earn royalties.

Create Content Surrounding Your Music

Independent music marketing requires some other media creation as well. Whether it’s album art or a music video, having other mediums expressed alongside your work increases your presence. Not only will you get more engagement, but you’ll also develop a more robust and professional portfolio that shows multiple facets of your talent and artistry.

Independent music promotion takes time and effort, but if you know your branding and are persistent, you can truly increase your presence and get your music out there. 1500 Sound Academy has a variety of programs and courses to help you in your journey as a musician, and we know the ins and outs of the industry. Explore more today!